Life Admin Solutions For Busy People

by - 12:11 PM

There are so many little jobs that we need to carry out in order for our life to tick over nicely. Things like grocery orders, paying bills, and organising your professional and social calendars. For busy people, all of these necessary jobs always tend to get in the way, and they can often be neglected when work or our personal lives take over.  It shouldn’t be like that, though, as life admin is extremely important. If you forget to take care of some of it, you could end up facing some big issues, such as fines for late payments. But how are you meant to manage it all when you are so busy in other areas of your life? Here are some great tips to help busy people with their life admin.

Automate Your Bills
It’s worth considering setting up automatic monthly payments for your regular bills if you haven’t already done so. This will then take one load off your mind each month. This is something I've set up myself recently, and would never look back now. Paying bills as they come in will often leave you in a 'rich week' or 'poor week' situation where the amounts are always different. Instead, work out the monthly cost of all of your bills, and then divide it by four. Each week, you put the same amount into your bills account, and set everything so it's taken automatically by direct debit. Just be sure to put a little extra money in at first as a buffer, but after a couple of weeks it all evens itself out. The only time you have to intervene is if you need to change the amount or cancel it. Simple! As well as this, you could also consider a cash management account from the likes of SoFi ( - if you save well and spend money wisely you'll get rewarded, which is a great incentive to push you to manage your money better. Combine this with automating your bills and you're sure to be onto a winner! You could try an online accountant to further automate your money and ensure that your books remain balanced and your money is being utilised in the best possible way. 

Outsource Some Tasks
You might be very familiar with outsourcing in the workplace. It’s when you hire a contractor or freelancer to do some of your work for you. For the past few years, this has been confined to the professional sphere, but now more and more people are outsourcing their personal life admin as well. For instance, you might want to hire a company like Box-it Central to destroy all your old documents that you've been meaning to do for a while. You might also want to find an accountant to take care of your family’s finances for you. If you don't have the time or skills to do things yourself to the highest standard, there's plenty of outside help that you can utilise. 

Use Your Phone
There are so many apps that you can use to help you keep track of your life. These include calendars,  list-making apps, and various kinds of online banking. All of these are great as they allow you to take care of your life admin on the go. You’ll even be able to set yourself reminders and alarms so that you never forget about looming deadlines!

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