FAQs About Oral Implants Answered
As many as 1 in 10 people are missing one of their adult teeth. This may be due to decay, injury or an orthodontic mishap where the tooth was removed to make room, and it simply never closed. Having a gap in your smile can make social interactions difficult, and it can also negatively impact how you see yourself. In years gone by, dentists would be able to offer patients who had missing teeth bridges or dentures. In modern times, there has been something of an upgrade, and now, the key restoration choice for many dental teams is an oral implant. Fitted to the jaw via surgery, dental implants Wagga allow patients to restore teeth that have been lost many years before and offer a strong and sturdy replacement for missing teeth. If this sounds like an option you are considering for yourself, then read on for the most commonly asked questions about oral implants.
Does the fitting hurt?
Oral implants are fitted via surgery, and many patients are wary that the surgery will be uncomfortable. But your dentist will ensure that your gums and jaw are numbed via a local anaesthetic before they begin. If you are a nervous patient, they may also offer you sedation. Once you are at home afterwards, the area will feel slightly uncomfortable; this is normal and should be mitigated with over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol. Avoid using ibuprofen or aspirin as this can thin the blood and worsen bruising. If you notice an excessive level of discomfort, please contact your dentist as soon as possible.
How do I look after them?
Once the implants have fused and the prosthetic teeth are placed, you should look after them in the same way that you would look after your natural teeth. Brush them twice a day, floss them and, of course, be sure to attend bi-annual checkups with your dentist. This must be done so that the early signs of gum disease can be detected and treated, as gum disease can cause implants to come loose prematurely.
Can anyone have implants?
Unfortunately no, not everybody is a suitable candidate for oral implants. The endosteal implant, which is the most commonly used option, requires patients to have strong and sturdy jawbones that are thick enough to support the implants. If you suffer from osteoporosis, you will not be suitable, but there are alternatives that can cater to this, such as subperiosteal implants or zygomatic implants.
Aren’t they prohibitively expensive?
Many patients have concerns that oral implants will be too expensive for them. However, the majority of surgeries that offer this option can also provide financing options for their suitable patients. So it is worth shopping around before committing to one surgery to ensure that you get the best deal for your money.
How long do they last?
With the aftercare mentioned above, such as brushing, flossing and bi-annual check-ups, your oral implants should easily last up to and over 15 years. There are some lifestyle choices that may need to be restricted, such as smoking or consuming alcohol, as these can also shorten the lifespan of oral implants just as gum disease can.